Is Online Learning Equivalent to Learning in Person?

Given the current pandemic and subsequent shift to online school, many parents are wondering if online learning can be as productive as in person. It may surprise you, but there are several benefits to signing up for online classes.

1. Online is fun!

There have been several technological advancements over the past few years that have made online classes more accessible & enjoyable than ever. In today’s day and age, it has actually been proven that students prefer multi-media based schoolwork. Online classes have been around long enough that instructors know what works best for students & what they enjoy to do the most. The concept of a colorful website or learning based computer games & projects are more likely to grab the attention of younger students than a textbook.

2. Study in comfort

Online based classes are beyond convenient. You are not bound by geography and save time going to and from class. If you are someone who typically wakes up a few minutes before class starts (like me), online learning is for you. Students are able to complete their work at their own pace and according to their own schedules. This is a key advantage for children with learning differences or who are on the spectrum. Studies have also shown that children are more likely to participate during online class as taking the class in the comfort of your own home can lessen the sense of intimidation and shyness that many kids experience in a full classroom. Online learning eliminates the sense of pressure that a student may have to keep up with others in the class. This can go as far as improving one’s self esteem as well as their understanding of the class. Creating your own learning environment can go a long way!

3. Develop Important Skills

Online learning will help to develop time management skills, self motivation, self discipline, tech skills, as well as online communication skills which are all becoming an asset as everyone attempts to seamlessly transition their office jobs to an online environment. As of this year, online learning is beginning to play a critical role in long-term education. As much as we are all looking forward to post-pandemic life, let’s be realistic of what the workforce (and higher education) will going to look like in the future.

Hint: More online classes and jobs than ever.

4. No Distractions

Taking classes online makes it easier to focus on your work. No loud classmates. No staring out the window waiting for the school day to end. No loud noises. No friends to pass notes to. It is not easy for your mind to wander off topic during an online class, and if you do, you can just press rewind. It’s just you and your computer, and this makes the day go by much faster. You can get comfortable, put your headphones in, and not have a worry in the world about zoning out and missing something important during class.

5. Frequency

As the education system is constantly learning what works best for students in an online environment, a greater frequency of assessment has been established in most online curriculums. It is easier to assess students progress from an online standpoint if their assessments are monitored more often. This allows teachers to better track how students are adjusting to their online classes so they can intervene before it is too late, all while holding them accountable and motivating them to complete their work on time.

6. Be Green

While there are tons of benefits to students in terms of taking online classes, there are also benefits to the environment. Online classes use far less energy than those that are in person by cutting back on paper use and electricity. Given the fact that our neighbors don’t believe in climate change, anything we can do to help the environment right now is better than nothing.

Online classes or forest management? You decide.

7. Why Not?

There is quite literally, not much else to do right now. Children and adults alike are watching far too much TV (I know I am), and while this was acceptable in the first few months of the pandemic, I think it is time we start to occupy ourselves with more productive activities. Maybe learn something new. If the Lakers can win an NBA title during the pandemic, you can surely make it through an online class or two.

Online learning may not be for everyone, but fortunately new technology has allowed us all to communicate, work from home, and study from home in ways that would never have been possible even just 5-10 years ago. Those who have been skeptical should be embracing the opportunities that we have while we are, for the most part, cooped up at home. Whether it is transitioning to online school, completing an online requirement for a future job, or enrolling in one of our accessible coding classes, online learning certainly doesn’t hurt to try.


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