Autism Funding Explained

How We Can Teach Your Child How to Code

As an organization that prides itself on diversity & inclusivity, The Code Initiative stresses the importance of accessibility—especially for those with learning differences. This article will outline the procedures necessary to obtain funding for children who are on the spectrum.

In addition to offering an initial 30% discount towards our workshops for children who identify as neurodiverse, our organization is recognized as a service provider for Autism Funding (AFU) in British Columbia, enabling children to receive treatment that caters to their individual needs. This means that our workshops are acknowledged by the province as an established means of support, promoting skill development for children with autism.

By utilizing individualized education plans in our one on one workshops, we provide personalized lessons that draw on children’s strengths while taking any special learning considerations into account. We do this by conducting brief interviews with parents/guardians once they have registered their children for classes, an advantage that sets us apart and contributes to our recognition as a service provider for autism support.

Although every child’s needs are different, which is reflected in the type of funding parents receive, we have experienced great success in 100% cost coverage of our workshops from Autism Funding in BC. To find out if your child qualifies to receive full funding for our workshops, we recommend parents inquire with AFU directly.

While parents are required to pay for the cost of the workshops upfront (minus the 30% discount that we offer), once your claim has been approved our organization will be notified and we will bill AFU for whatever workshops you have signed up for. Once the funding goes through, parents will receive a reimbursement directly from our organization. Authorized invoices from Autism Funding are typically paid within 30 business days of being received. Be sure to submit your claim to AFU within 6 months of signing up for a workshop!

There are also options for parents seeking support for children over 12 years of age to receive funding directly which can then be paid to different service providers like The Code Initiative. Parents who receive their funding directly from AFU are still eligible for our 30% discount.

While we are recognized as an organization that provides support for children with autism, The Code Initiative is intent on providing quality & personalized coding programs for ALL children. If you have any questions about how our organization can help accommodate your child’s exceptionalities while providing a platform for support & development, we encourage you to contact us.


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